The WAR and LAW League
(WALL) needs your help

What is WALL? The War and Law League, founded in 1998, is a nonpartisan, national organization, not operated for profit.  WALL upholds the Constitution and lawful treaties in matters of war and peace.  It opposes any military action initiated by a president and encourages Congress to assert its exclusive, constitutional power to decide whether or not to wage war.  WALL is under the fiscal sponsorship of Peace Development Fund, of Amherst, MA, and San Francisco.

Dear Friend:

Our movement is in need of funds.  Contributions are gratefully accepted.

You are also invited to join WALL. Its dues are only $10 a year. If you are unable to pay all or any of it, you are still welcome in WALL. If, on the other hand, you are able to donate more, it will be appreciated.

Whether you join or not, if at any time you care to make a special contribution, it will be welcome.

Everything received -- 100 percent -- goes to pay WALL's essential expenses. None of the officers or participants earn any remuneration for contributing their efforts to this cause.  All of us are volunteers.

Please slip a check or money order in an envelope addressed to WALL, P.O. Box 42-7237, San Francisco, CA 94142.  If you wish, you may print and use the form on the next page (link below).

To become a member, you may either write "Joining WALL" in your letter or check off "It includes my annual dues of $10" on the form. And please print your name and address.


Dolores Rodriguez, Treasurer


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War and Law League, P.O. Box 42-7237, San Francisco, CA 94142